Marketing Tools
No–cost Marketing Tools for your web site

Using our Marketing Tools, you can easily concentrate on your website’s acceptance straight from the Site Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you can get a thorough sitemap for your web site within minutes. You’ll be able to submit the sitemap to search engines so that they can index your site as quickly as possible. Moreover, by way of the RSS News instrument, you can use routinely refreshed publications on your web site, which is a guarantee for better listing positions with the major search engines. Our GeoIP redirection tool will allow you to re–direct visitors from a specified region towards a specialized language variation of your site for more precise targeting outcomes.
A Sitemap Generator
For effective bot crawling
A sitemap is actually a set of all pages within a web site that may be utilized by robots and end users. You can use a sitemap to inform major search engines exactly which pages of the site you want to be indexed. At the same time, a sitemap might help your users find the way on your web site. You’d normally use a third party sitemap software package to have a sitemap for your site. Nonetheless, with, you get a sitemap creator readily placed in your Site Control Panel.
Within the Advanced Applications area, click on Sitemap Generator and right after selecting the format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl button. The sitemap of your website will be ready in minutes and you will be able to send it to the search engines.
GeoIP Redirection
Reroute website visitors as outlined by their whereabouts
Using the GeoIP re–direction tool that’s built into the Domain Names Manager of the Site Control Panel, it’s easy to re–direct your visitors according to their geographical location. For example, if you have different language versions of the site, you can create a specific language variation to instantly open for visitors from the area where that language is used. By doing this, if a person coming from France loads your site, she’ll be directly taken to the French version, without the need to change to French by herself. To employ the GeoIP redirection tool , you don’t need just about any experience or tech skills. Just specify the geographic location of your respective visitors and the URL of your website that you want to come up for them automatically.
RSS News
Display the most recent publications within your website
In the Site Control Panel, we’ve bundled an instrument, which enables you to add publications from the most well–known information sites on the planet in your websites, with just a mouse click. Our News tool operates automatically and will not demand any additional setup work on your end,
The RSS News Syndication module is easy to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You could modify the quantity of publication bits that are going to be displayed, the way they will look like, how they will be formatted, and so forth.